Book an educational seminar for your school or business


Seminar Options

  • In accordance with the Department of Justice, all public businesses, schools, and events must know and abide by ADA Law. This includes allowing task trained service dogs to accompany their disabled handler in all areas the general public is allowed to go. In this interactive seminar, attendees will learn all they need to know about interacting with a service dog in public. What questions employees are allowed to ask, when a dog can be removed even if their handler says it’s a service dog, and how to protect yourselves legally from discrimination lawsuits. This seminar will also include demonstrations of the behavior you should see from a legitimate service dog and how to spot a fake.

  • We are often asked “How do I break up a dog fight?” but the more important questions is “How do I prevent a dog fight from occurring in the first place?” In this seminar we go over recognizing dog body language, learning to read the warning signs, and what to do in a worst case scenario. Quick thinking tips for a leash breaking, how to restrain an attacking dog, and how to reintroduce dogs after a bad experience are all valuable skills to have for anyone that works with dogs. This seminar is most often booked by rescue organizations but is open to anyone!